Building & Development Permits
The Land Use By-Law and Building By-Law of the Municipality of Yarmouth require Building Permits and Development Permits to be obtained prior to start of any construction or alteration of any building or structure. Permits are also required prior to changing the use of any building, structure, or lot and for the situating of a mobile home or structure on a lot.
Development Permits are issued in accordance with the provisions of the Land Use By-Law. Development Permits are required to be obtained prior to undertaking any development on a lot, prior to establishing a home based business on a residential property, and for erecting an advertising sign. Development Permits are obtained by submitting an application to the Development Officer.
Building Permits are required prior to the start of construction. They are obtained in accordance with the Building By-Law, Provincial Building Code, and Building Code Act Regulations. The Building By-Law requires a Building Permit to be obtained for all buildings in excess of 215 sq.ft or 20 sq.m for all structural alterations to existing buildings, and for all non-structural alterations or repairs valued at $5000 or more. Building Permits can be obtained by submitting an application to the Building Inspector.
Building Plans and Building Permit Fees are required to be submitted with applications for Building Permits.
Please review the Building Permit Approval Procedure prior to applying for a Building Permit.
Building Permits are approved on the building information provided. Please include your building plans and site plans when applying.