Heritage & Museums
Municipality of the District of Yarmouth's Heritage Incentive Rebate Program - To learn more, please review the Heritage Incentive Rebate Program Policy H-048-21 here.
Our heritage program is established to conserve properties that hold significant value to the owner or the community. The program also protects any registered heritage properties from unnecessary demolition and substantial alterations to the exterior structure.
There are many benefits to having a designated heritage property, such as:
Recognition - A plaque is installed to identify the property's heritage significance to the community.
Pride & Connection - Designation provides a homeowner with a sense of pride and knowing they are contributing to the conservation of the community's heritage culture.
Support & Incentives - Grants and funding are available from the Province of Nova Scotia and a program through MODY to assist with the conservation and maintenance of your heritage property.
Listed below are links to just a few of the many museums within Southwestern Nova Scotia.
More information on museums within Nova Scotia including festivals and guided tours can be found on the Nova Scotia Museum website.
Yarmouth County Museum and ArchivesMore information on museums within Nova Scotia including festivals and guided tours can be found on the Nova Scotia Museum website.
Firefighters' Museum of Nova Scotia
Argyle Township Court House and Archives
Centre Acadien & Archives
W. Laurence Sweeney Fisheries Museum
Le Village Historique Acadien